Cartography Lab

A Cartography Laboratory made by Ramiro Aznar

Lab Experiments

  • πŸ‘‹ Handsfree

    Last week I experimented with Handsfree, a JS library to allow users to track body, face and hand movement. I tried to apply it to a webmapping application. In the following example, you can pan North or South depending on where your index finger is pointing up ☝️ or down πŸ‘‡.

  • β•‘β–Œβ–Œβ•‘β–Œβ–Œβ•‘ Wikidata Explorer

    Last week I had the chance to learn how Wikidata can be queried. Wikidata is the open database that feeds all Wikipedia pages. The language that is used to get data from this database is called SPARQL. It is like SQL but instead of relations, the main focus is on joins. This is a query example to obtain a list of all disputed territories and their coordinates:

  • 🌎 When Geometry meets Geography

    For the last several months I have been gathering notes from different sources (life and professional experiences, books, discussions…) to structure a book about the complexities that the geospatial sector faces when trying to represent geography. When Alicia from Vizzuality invited me to give a talk was a perfect opportunity to convert the content I have been curating into real chapters.

  • ⭐ Star Tracker

    One month ago I gave my first NACIS (remote) talk called Star Tracker On: Coordinates Systems in Space. They were so fast and within a week, the video was already posted in their channel:

  • πŸ”Š Sounds

    This is going to be a short post. This morning I woke up with the feeling of trying something new. Listening to a recent podcast about the sound and the voice I came up with the idea of making a map for blind people. I found out that there is some research about routing or direction maps for people with limited vision or just blind, but what about thematic webmaps?

  • 🌐 Confluences

    Last week when reading Ken Jennings Maphead I discovered the Degree Confluence project (people visiting the latitude and longitude degree integer intersections). So this weekend, I spent some time investigating where these intersections are and which is the closest one to my current location using GeoPandas.

  • πŸ“š Books

    I am really into making lists. Lists for work tasks, shopping or even house duties. For the last months I have been reading cartography related books a lot. So there you have, my favorite books in a list.

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